Debased adventures among the living! – Event recap by Alexis Guerra.
It rained on that Saturday, which almost seemed to add a queer and appropriate ambience to the day. The perfect backdrop for the dead to walk among the living, or at least for a few demented Halloween fanatics to gather at a “secret” location before setting out into the city as crazed, flesh-eating corpses. I’ll admit I had no idea what to expect. A bunch of adults decked out the week before Halloween to wreak havoc and revel in a day which was meant to celebrate zombies everywhere. Yes, Zombie Con 2009 had arrived, the 5th annual Zombie Con in fact, and I was covering it with my partner in crime for the next few hours, Jack Randall. When I met up with a frazzled Jack around 12:45 he quickly updated me on the events of his morning. From what I could gather it had consisted of engaging in verbal fisticuffs with the MTA police regarding platform alcohol consumption, then somehow MacGyvering a train ticket from thin air…needless to say a tiny voice inside my head was chuckling and thinking that this was only the beginning and we had yet to even come in contact with our fellow stiffs.
When we finally neared our first stop (The Carriage House on 59th and 3rd for a “Bloody Mary” brunch) it was evident that we were in for one hell of a gruesome, blood-splattered day. These folks were no amateurs and it became abundantly clear that if we were going to walk and talk among the throngs of bloody brides, rotting Lady Gaga’s and the decaying “Balloon Boy”, we were going to have to blend in. So with a drink and a steady hand, our team tore into the $6.99 Walgreen’s make-up kit I had purchased on my way uptown and immediately dived into the sea of cherry flavored blood capsules, grease paint and gory fake wounds (as the only female I was instantaneously dubbed the as make-up artist of the group and so I set to work in transforming our crew into pale, corroded carcasses). Oddly enough, I came to notice that the more intoxicated people became, the gorier the make-up tended to be and by the end of the day I was surprised there was still a tube of artificial blood left on the entire island of Manhattan.
After we departed from the bar our next stop was a parade-like march through Bloomingdales where, as one might imagine, mayhem ensued. I’m sure it was the last thing high-class socialites and oversea tourists had expected to see at 2:00 pm on a Saturday afternoon in one of New York City’s finest department stores. It was here where I was momentarily separated from my group and let me tell you there are a few drawbacks to being alone in NYC dressed head to toe as the living dead…you risk looking like a total freak and if you’re situation is anything like mine, you end up have a homeless man follow you around until you are thankfully able to locate and rejoin your party.
This is Jeanne Fleming, Director of the Halloween Parade in NYC. This year the Parade has seen a 50% decrease in funding and so we decided to try for a Pepsi Grant in September.
I am writing to see if you folks could help us to win a Pepsi Grant for the Parade this year by sending out a newsletter or Facebook announcement for folks to VOTE TO SAVE THE PARADE.
The link on our website is:
They can TEXT 102251 to 73774
AND vote on Facebook at
AND online at
We need all the help we can get on this for the NEXT TEN DAYS –and we can win. Please Spread the Word! We need this to go viral in the next few days.
Thank you,
Jeanne Fleming
Artistic/Producing Director
New York’s Village Halloween Parade
http://www.halloween-nyc.comJeanne Fleming